We are putting as many events as possible in the Events section on our Facebook page. Do check it out, Share, express you're ⭐Interested or click to tell us you're coming; you'll be most welcome!
Prayer Meeting via Zoom - Mondays 8 am-9 am (please, join from 7.55 am). Please, contact us if you would like to join the Zoom Prayer Time.
Coffee Shop - Tuesdays 10 am-12 pm.
Heart 4 Harlow - Sunday the 22nd of September, 6.30 pm at St Stephen's Church, Tye Green. Refreshments from 6.10 pm
Questions Group - 1st Tuesday of the month: 12 pm-1.30 pm. The next one is on the 1st of October.
Private Prayer in Church - Wednesdays 9.30 am-11 am.
Grieving Friends Support Network: Women4Women on the 1st Saturday of the month, and Men4Men on the 2nd Saturday of the month. Both are from 10-12 pm at Netteswellbury Farm CM18 6BW. Led by Revd Dr Chriatian Okeke.
Tea @ 3 via Zoom - 1st Wednesday of the month. The next one is the 2nd of October.
The monthly Evening Prayer Meeting is on the first Sunday of the month.
Great Open Door Prayer Event - Sunday the 15th of September at Harefield Church, 4-5.30 pm.
Marvellous and Meaningful Maths Course - A free course for Essex parents, carers and grandparents of children under five years old. Click on the image below or here to contact us.
Pastoral Care (Part 1) Course, 21st of September, 5th and the 19th of October. All from 9.30-3.30 pm at St Mary's, Old Harlow. Please bring your own lunch. Here's the link for more details.
Men's Breakfast - Saturday the 21st of September, 9 am in the hall. This month's speaker is from Harlow Young Concern Trust.
Macmillan donations at Coffee Shop, 10 am-12 pm.
Topic: Every Monday St Mary's Prayer
Time: 8-9 am (please, join from 7.55 am)
Please, contact us if you would like to join the Zoom Prayer Time.
"Hi, everyone, thank
you to all of those who joined us for the Annual Review.
Below are some links to things referred to during the course of the
evening which we hope will be helpful for those
present, but also for those who were not able to join us – we do hope
you will continue to pray and work with us during the coming year, for
the glory of God and His blessing upon our town."
- Ron Kingsmill - Trustee and Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Core Group.
4 Harlow Annual Review Newsletter.
4 Harlow Introductory Video.
4 Harlow Mailing List Subscription.
4 Harlow Community Awards.
Contact us for details.
We have added a calendar to our website so now you can check out all the dates for your diary from there. Click on the image above or click here.
Click here for information about Starfishes.
Please visit the information on WWI, WWII and the War Graves, or via the links, where you'll find subsections to WWI, WWII and the War Graves. These are wonderful and powerful testimonies and stories of those that gave their lives.