
Follow the star join the song

Follow the Star: Join the Song

"The shepherds were astonished to find the night sky filled with angels singing God’s praise. And before long they were singing, too ... Centuries later, singing is still central to how many of us celebrate Christmas.
"We invite you this Christmas to follow the star, journey to the manger, join the song and come into the presence of Jesus Christ."

Archbishops Justin Welby and Stephen Cottrell

Welcome to our Christmas Page! Christmas celebrates when Jesus Christ was born, in a manger, in Bethlehem. What comfort and joy!

Christmas Services at St Mary's, Old Harlow

Messy Church Christingle Service, Saturday the 9th of December at 3.30 pm.

Carols By Candlelight, Sunday the 17th of December, 6.30 pm. With mince pies and refreshments.

Nativity Service, Sunday the 24th of December 4.30 pm. A service especially for children. 

Midnight Communion, Sunday the 24th of December, 11.15 pm.

Christmas Day - Family Service with Communion, 10 am. 

Other Christmas Events taking place at St Mary's, Old Harlow or locally

Harlow Singers Christmas Concert

Sunday the 3rd of December, 3.30 pm. Led by Sara Stowe, followed by refreshments. 

School Christmas Services

We have lots of school events happening in church over the coming month. If you can help with set up, welcome, PA, OHP and moving chairs for any of the services please can you sign up on the lists at the back of church – thank you. Please pray, too for these different events.

All that remains is for everyone at St Mary's Church, Old Harlow to wish you a very happy Christmas and God's peace and love in the coming year!