St Mary's Church

Questions about faith


Questions about faith and Christianity?

You can visit our Alpha page where you can find out all about what Alpha is and book to attend! (Currently, sessions will be held via Zoom. Full details will be provided.)

If you are wondering about faith and Christianity and have questions you are not alone! All of us at
St Mary’s have had questions that we’ve asked as we have explored the Christian faith and we have
new ones, particularly around the virus and all that’s happening.

We have come to believe that Jesus is God the Father’s son, that Jesus died and rose again to bring
us freedom and relationship with God and that he has sent his Holy Spirit to help us to become more
like him. We have found new freedom in following him. If you’d like to find out more or explore
questions that you have why not look at these two websites which have lots of ideas to help you.

Alternatively you can email us and we’ll do our best to get back to you quickly.
We also have a ‘Questions Group’ which normally meets monthly. Email if you’d like details of when this will resume.