Our vision for St Mary’s is to bring
God’s abundant blessing to the
people of Old Harlow and beyond.
We want to:
be a visible and welcoming family to all those moving into the new
developments within our parish, with
a desire to see more young families
join us.
encourage and disciple newcomers to
the church in their faith.
develop and extend our outreach
activities, becoming more mission-focussed with a spiritual impact, to grow
the body of Christ.
be a prayerful body of Christ where
our individual and corporate prayer life
is central to supporting each other and
the wider community.
be a nurturing church and develop our
house groups further.
see a greater outpouring of the
Holy Spirit to increase and deepen
personal relationships with Jesus,
to equip us to serving each other and
sharing the gospel.
deepen our knowledge of the Bible through good teaching, so that we have
a better understanding of what we
We asked our 10.30 am congregation to think about our church in the future...