St Mary's Church



What is Alpha?

Alpha explores life and the Christian faith in a relaxed, informal setting. Come make friends and ask questions about life, faith and meaning. Each week there is a short presentation, followed by a discussion in small groups.

When and where is Alpha happening?

Alpha is being planned for the autumn, starting Tuesday the 16th of April at St Mary's, Old Harlow, 7 pm for a 7.30 pm start. If you are interested in learning more about the Christian faith, please complete the form, and we will be in contact.

Would you like to know a bit more about Alpha? Here's a great video!

The Alpha Booking Form
* required answers

 * Full Name

* Email 

* Phone Number

* Age
Under 18
30 and over

How would you describe yourself? (This will help us with groups.)
Of another faith
Not sure
Growing Christian

How did you hear about Alpha?
Walked past the church/live locally
Advertised at church/Church Bulletin
Social media (Facebook; X, formerly "Twitter"; Instagram)

* We're hoping to start with sharing some food and will be in touch about that nearer the time. Please, can you indicate if you have any dietry requirements in the box below? If none, please write none. Thank you.

* I have read and agree to the Privacy Notice. Click here to read.

Your details will only be held to communicate with you and will be removed from our system once they are no longer required. 

Please click the Send Form button below to submit your details!